Press caricatures on the lunch of the International Association of accredited journalists to the League of Nations on the occasion of the XIII Assembly.
Extract from the "Irish Press" on the meeting held by the International Labour Conference; E. de Valera's accession to power, he became Prime Minister of the Irish Free State; S. Lester's action to solve the difficulty of the Committee of 19 that dealt with the Sino-Japanese dispute; Ireland's turn to preside the next general meeting of the League of Nations.
Inauguration of the Academic Society of the Irish Students of the University at Fribourg, Switzerland: S. Lester, Irish delegate to the League of Nations at Geneva, attended this celebration on behalf of the Minister for External Affairs and made a speech; two photographs of the members.
Proposal to form an Irish Society in Geneva.
Extract from "The Times" on the League of Nations 18th anniversary.
Extract from the "Irish Times" on General Smut's appeal and plea for the League of Nations.
Possible candidates to the post of Director of the International Labour Office: E.J. Phelan and S. Lester to succeed to Harold B. Butler; photograph of S. Lester.
Extract from the "Irish Times" on ex-journalists changing work and becoming famous such as S. Lester in international affairs.
Letter dated 4 April 1938 from S. Lester to an editor requesting him an article for "The New Northman".
Extract from the "Irish Independent": review of A.C. Temperley's book "The whispering gallery of Europe"; AC. Temperley was one of the Britain's chief representatives, acting as military adviser; photograph of S. Lester.