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Affichage de 332 résultats

Description archivistique
Case of Mr. Aram Tchouhadjian.
Case of Mr. Aram Tchouhadjian.
Question des biens "abandonnés" et dépôts en banque - Correspondance et documents divers.
Question des biens "abandonnés" et dépôts en banque - Correspondance et documents divers.
Nansen International Office for Refugees - Armenian Refugees - Transfers from Poland to Iran.
Nansen International Office for Refugees - Armenian Refugees - Transfers from Poland to Iran.
Office international Nansen pour les Réfugiés - Timbres Nansen.
Office international Nansen pour les Réfugiés - Timbres Nansen.
Armenian Refugees - Settlement in Syria - Situation in the Sandjak of Alexandretta.
Armenian Refugees - Settlement in Syria - Situation in the Sandjak of Alexandretta.
Nansen International Office for Refugees - Armenian Refugees - Transfers from Greece to Venezuela.
Nansen International Office for Refugees - Armenian Refugees - Transfers from Greece to Venezuela.
Nansen International Office for Refugees - Armenian Refugees - Legal Status -New Turkish Decrees - Syra - General
Nansen International Office for Refugees - Armenian Refugees - Legal Status -New Turkish Decrees - Syra - General
Settlement of Armenian Refugees in Syria - Revolving Fund.
Settlement of Armenian Refugees in Syria - Revolving Fund.
Armenian Refugees - Settlement in Syria - Situation in the Sandjak of Alexandretta.
Armenian Refugees - Settlement in Syria - Situation in the Sandjak of Alexandretta.
Reimbursement of Advances - Delegations - Greece - Special accounts concerning Housing of Armenian Refugees in Greece.
Reimbursement of Advances - Delegations - Greece - Special accounts concerning Housing of Armenian Refugees in Greece.