File contains minutes of meeting and various correspondence concerning these arrangements.
File mainly contains statements of accounts, correspondence, list of Refugees' names and miscellaneous documents relating to the settlement.
File contains various correspondence and a photograph.
File contains various receipts and account statements.
This file contains a bunch of cards about advances made to Armenian refugees; two bunches for Russian refugees; one bunch for Russian refugees mixed with a few Armenians; another bunch for Russian mixed with Saar nationals; one folder entitled "Listes avances etc."; one folder entitled "Désignation M. Burnier et Comité des trois" and "Liquidation de la représentation de l'Office au Syrie"; one folder on "Cession de avances - Listes".
File contains various correspondence relating to these transfers.
This file contains documents related to employment of refugees, financial assistance to refugees and guarantees of repayment of advances done in favour of refugees. The file content is the assistance delivered by the Nansen Refugees Office in Syria for alleviating the refugees plight.
This file contains various correspondence on individual cases - transfers of refugees from France to Syria.