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S547bis/6/6 · File · 1931-1934
Part of League of Nations Refugees Mixed Archival Group (Nansen Fonds)

File contains repatriation operations of Armenian refugees to Armenia, a bundle of correspondence on the evacuation from Greece of 500 Armenians from Bulgaria, document C.A.1-1932 on "Coopération eventuelle de l'Office au transfert prévu pour le 15 février 1932 de 1,500 réfugiés arméniens de Grèce à Batoum", excerpts of Armenian press in Athens and records of Armenian organisations in Salonica.

File contains statistics of Russian and Armenian refugees evacuated from Greece, statistics of emigration by country and continent as well as according to the profession, requests, distribution of assistance lists, receipts and reimbursement of financial assistance to refugees.

The file contains Greek government's reply to questionnaire relating to future organisation of refugee work, copy of questionnaire, statistics of refugees from different origins arrived in Sao Brazil, arrangement with a French bank to grant agricultural credits to refugees and their repayment, LON documents C.609.M.236.1930.X on "Rapports adoptés par la Commission de contrôle à sa 39ème session - Organisation future de de l'oeuvre des réfugiés", A.75.1930.XIII, A.23.1929.VII and A.30.1927 on "Réfugiés russes, arméniens, assyriens, assyro-chaldéens et turcs", C.47me Session/P.V./5(1).1927 on "Retablissement des réfugiés arméniens", A.90.1927.IV, A.33.1927 and A.125.1927.VIII on "Mesures en faveur des réfugiés russes et arméniens", 3eC.G.C.T.1(Vol.II) on "3me conférence générale des communications et du transit - pièces d'identité pour personnes sans nationalité", A.48.1927.VIII "Réfugiés russes et arméniens", excerpt No.60 on the "Statuts de l'Office international Nansen pour les réfugiés", C/59meSession/P.V.3(1) on "Hommage rendu à la mémoire du Dr Nansen", C./61me Session/P.V.8(1) "Création à Paris d'une Ecole internationale de Hautes Etudes d'hygiène: Propositions du Gouvernement français", correspondence on the replacement of the Nansen certificate, the feasibility of creating a National Committee for the prosecution of the appeal for a Nansen Memorial Fund. The file contains records of a diverse nature, in addition to the correspondence between headquarters and the Greek delegation and accounts.

File contains information on the situation of Circassian refugees in Greece, Greek authorities communicated sample of identity certificate for Armenian refugees which was similar to the one issued to Russian refugees, minutes of meeting with Greek authorities, number of Armenian refugees in Salonica.
Creator: High Commissariat for Refugees Salonica Office - Armenian Section, later International Labour Office - League of Nations Refugee Section.

File contains Nansen stamps distributed to the Armenian refugees, statistics of Russian and Armenian refugees in and evacuated from Greece, number of Nansen certificates issued, tracing requests carried out, discussion on the issuance of Nansen passports to refugees, insurance contracts for personnel travelling for official purposes, list of BIT (International Labour Office) Section of Refugees delegates in different countries.

File contains mainly identity certificates, telegrams on visitors to Greek office, LON document (C.50me Session/P.V.5(1) on the "Procédure à suivre par le Conseil dans l'examen de la question du traitement des personnes de race et de langue lithuaniennes dans la région de Vilna", correspondence with the Greek government and Geneva Office on the evacuation operations of Russian refugees in Greece, reporting on the number and condition of Armenian refugees in different camps in Greece. Includes accounts.