Nansen International Office for Refugees - Diplomatic Privileges of the Staff. Various Correspondence.
Refugees from the Saar - Correspondence with the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees coming from Germany.
Press Cuttings "Irish Celebration at Swiss University - Many graceful International Tributes", Extract from the "Irish Independent"; and "Irish Society in Switzerland"
Press Cutting "Irish in Geneva - Colony's Proposal to Form Society"
Press Cutting "Peru explains to Geneva - Unjustified Cession of Leticia to Colombia - League Test Case"
Press Cutting "New Problem for the League - Amazon War to be discussed To-Day"
Press Cutting "Colombia-Peru Dispute"
Press Cutting "Japan and the League - Would Other States have acted differently in the same Circumstances? - Tentative Nature of existing International Law - American Catholic Journal's challenging Examination of the Situation"