This file contains a set of correspondence with debitors and guarantors (1938-1939) and one folder on correspondence with the representation and auditor reports (1935-1939).
This file contains correspondence on the nomination and registration of the members of delegations to the Conference; the quantity and the printing of documents distributed for the Conference.
File contains press article, correspondence concerning the establishment of the Greek Delegation office in Athens, organisation of evacuation operations, periodic reports on the number and destination of refugees evacuated, financial matters, minutes of meetings, a note verbale on the "evacuation de Grèce des réfugiés arméniens sous aspect général", LON report (C.210.1929.VII) and procès-verbal (C.55me Session/P.V.2(1)) on "refugiés russes, arméniens, assyriens, assyro-chaldéens et turcs".
Delegation in GreeceFile contains mainly emigration offers from different countries to Armenian refugees with specific professional skills, financial and transport arrangement for their evacuation, a printed document dated 12 May 1926 on "Arrangement relatif à la délivrance des certificats d'identité aux réfugiés russes et arméniens complétant et amendant les arrangements antérieurs du 5 juillet 1922 et du 31 mai 1924".
The file contains statistics of Russian and Armenian refugees evacuated, Nansen certificates issued, statements of office expenses, sales of Nansen stamps.
File contains correspondence on financial assistance to refugees, on the possibility of creating companies which could employ refugees, possibility of raising funds through sales of Nansen stamps, a sample of an "Irish Free State Hospitals Sweepstake Ticket" horse racing ticket to raise funds for a hospital.
Documents of 1932:
M.L.6-1932(Annexe) "Questionnaire concernant la situation des réfugiés russes, arméniens, assyriens, assyro-chaldéens et turcs"
M.C.6-1931 "Comité de direction et Commission des finances réunis"
Document of 1933:
extrait du Journal Officiel de la S.D.N. XIVe année, No.3, mars 1933 page 467 "Lettre des représentants de l'Allemagne, du Pérou et de la Yougoslavie, membres du Comité de Minorités qui a examiné les petitions de MM Essayan et Pachalian, concernant la situation des arméniens de Turquie réfugiés à l'étranger à l'égard du réglement turc du 10 décembre 1930 sur la circulation des voyageurs, ainsi que les observations y rélatives du gouvernement turc"
Refugee request for assistance : request is made by the brother of Mr. Doris N. Grudkoff, on his behalf, and forwarded to the International Committee of the Red Cross for follow-up.
F. Wartenweiler wants to write a biography of Dr. Fridtjof Nansen in the German language. As tribute to Dr. Nansen, he includes a text he has written.