K. Papée on proclamation and on A. Forster's Speech; attacks on meetings of Opposition; Election Committee; imminent arrival of National Socialist
leaders; police control of Zentrum meeting.
Elections in Danzig: Saar plebiscite influence, Danzig Constitution, and protection of Minorities; the Polish/Danzig conciliation was the High Commissioner's main task.
Election campaign; "Volkstimme" new suppression; accusations of "traitor"; Danzig and the free Saar; communications with the Danzig Senate on the freedom of the elections; press articles on the alleged report by S. Lester on incidents in the Volkstag; A. Greiser's accusations against S. Lester regarding this report; A. Greiser's speech to the judges; press and alleged terrorism.
Elections in Danzig made it difficult to pay a visit to S. Lester.
A. Greiser assured elections would be completely secret and free in accordance with the laws based on the Constitution and measures would be taken to guarantee that freedom and secrecy of elections.
Invitation to National Socialist demonstration: S. Lester refused the invitation, the Italian Consul di Lieto and the German Consul were the only ones to attend the demonstration; complaint from an American citizen attacked by SA men in Danzig; activities of the teachers organization; talk between K. Papée and A. Forster on Polish press; A. Forster regarded as a revisionist by the Polish opinion; A. Forster's official newspaper heading "Zurück zum Reich"; Government's proclamation on the Volkstag elections; A. Forster's elections appeal; National Socialist opening of elections campaign; German denunciation of the Treaty of Versailles military clauses; Zentrum Party meetings.
S. Lester's action on proposed elections; long exchange with A. Greiser.
Proclamation on elections; A. Forster's press interview on the elections that were not a plebiscite but to stop the opposition of small Parties and anti-Government activities; Reich Ministers to participate in the elections; possible visit to Danzig of Göring or Göbbels; revised version of A. Forster's interview.