Affichage de 64 résultats

Description archivistique
Construction des nouveaux Bâtiments - Destruction des rats, des souris, etc.
Construction des nouveaux Bâtiments - Destruction des rats, des souris, etc.
Semaines Sociales de France - 26ème session, Nice - 23-29 juillet 1934
Semaines Sociales de France - 26ème session, Nice - 23-29 juillet 1934
25th National Peace Congress, London, 28 June  - 2 July 1935
25th National Peace Congress, London, 28 June - 2 July 1935
11th Session of the International Publishers Congress, London, June 7-12, 1936
11th Session of the International Publishers Congress, London, June 7-12, 1936
26th National Peace Congress, Leads 26-29 June 1936
26th National Peace Congress, Leads 26-29 June 1936
12th Session of the International Publishers' Congress, 1938 (International Executive Committee Meetings, Geneva 1937)
12th Session of the International Publishers' Congress, 1938 (International Executive Committee Meetings, Geneva 1937)
Conférence de Bucarest, 29 juin - 2 juillet 1938, "Rôle des pouvoirs publiés dans la protection sanitaire des individus" organisée par l'Institut international des sciences administratives et l'Union internationale des villes et pouvoirs locaux
Conférence de Bucarest, 29 juin - 2 juillet 1938, "Rôle des pouvoirs publiés dans la protection sanitaire des individus" organisée par l'Institut international des sciences administratives et l'Union internationale des villes et pouvoirs locaux
Rapports annuels sur l'hygiène publique - Congo Belge.
Rapports annuels sur l'hygiène publique - Congo Belge.
Tropical diseases: Yellow Fever in Africa - Correspondence with the Rockefeller Foundation.
Tropical diseases: Yellow Fever in Africa - Correspondence with the Rockefeller Foundation.
Relations of the B.A.L. with Venezuela - Various types of records on the subject of the creation of the Latin American Bureau, exchanges of publications with the Venezuelan government, Venezuela's representation at the Pan-American Conference in Santiago, Chile, on May 3, 1923, exchanges of health personnel, etc.
Relations of the B.A.L. with Venezuela - Various types of records on the subject of the creation of the Latin American Bureau, exchanges of publications with the Venezuelan government, Venezuela's representation at the Pan-American Conference in Santiago, Chile, on May 3, 1923, exchanges of health personnel, etc.