Affichage de 64 résultats

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Aghnides, Thanassis
Aghnides, Thanassis
International Education - Dora Melegari - Transmits a pamphlet entitled "Alcune Riflessioni Sull'Educazione", being a suggestion that the League should interest itself in international educational problems by establishing a Permanent Educational Commission.
International Education - Dora Melegari - Transmits a pamphlet entitled "Alcune Riflessioni Sull'Educazione", being a suggestion that the League should interest itself in international educational problems by establishing a Permanent Educational Commission.
Control and administration of railways in Danzig - Mr. Colban - Various relevant documents sent to General Haking by the President of the Danzig Senate.
Control and administration of railways in Danzig - Mr. Colban - Various relevant documents sent to General Haking by the President of the Danzig Senate.
Archives de M. Liesch - Correspondance générale
Archives de M. Liesch - Correspondance générale
Relations of the B.A.L. with Venezuela - Various types of records on the subject of the creation of the Latin American Bureau, exchanges of publications with the Venezuelan government, Venezuela's representation at the Pan-American Conference in Santiago, Chile, on May 3, 1923, exchanges of health personnel, etc.
Relations of the B.A.L. with Venezuela - Various types of records on the subject of the creation of the Latin American Bureau, exchanges of publications with the Venezuelan government, Venezuela's representation at the Pan-American Conference in Santiago, Chile, on May 3, 1923, exchanges of health personnel, etc.
Constitution of the Free City of Danzig - Secretary to the Danzig High Commissioner - Forwards copies of the Constitution as printed and published by the Senate and which includes the amendments required by the League of Nations Council.
Constitution of the Free City of Danzig - Secretary to the Danzig High Commissioner - Forwards copies of the Constitution as printed and published by the Senate and which includes the amendments required by the League of Nations Council.
Permanent Mandates Commission - Missions (Missionary movement).
Permanent Mandates Commission - Missions (Missionary movement).
58ème Fête fédérale de gymnastique, Genève, juin 1925 - Requête du Comité d'Organisation aux fins d'obtenir un don en espèces ou en nature, et correspondances diverses.
58ème Fête fédérale de gymnastique, Genève, juin 1925 - Requête du Comité d'Organisation aux fins d'obtenir un don en espèces ou en nature, et correspondances diverses.
Rapports annuels sur l'hygiène publique - Congo Belge.
Rapports annuels sur l'hygiène publique - Congo Belge.
Relations of the B.A.L. with Haiti - Correspondence exchanged with Mr. Bonamy, Minister of Haiti in France, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Port au Prince, regarding the work of the B.A.L., lists of bibliographic data, Consuls and Diplomatic Corps.
Relations of the B.A.L. with Haiti - Correspondence exchanged with Mr. Bonamy, Minister of Haiti in France, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Port au Prince, regarding the work of the B.A.L., lists of bibliographic data, Consuls and Diplomatic Corps.