This series represents a total of 142 titles (included, but not individually numbered: 35 duplicated copes and 7 periodical issues). Brochures, reviews, booklets, documents, maps, pamphlets and reprints that were titled in this series referred to 15 countries. They were writted in 6 languages and some have several translations. The period covered in this series ranges beetween 1917 and 1946, with the majority relating to the 1920s. Topics in this series include: laws and statutes on Mandates, System of Mandates and League of Nations , texts of Mandates, articles on question of Mandate, relationship and correspondence between administration of mandatory countries (e.g. British Empire, France and Belgium) and local communities, annual reports to the Council of the League on the situation in the mandated territories, folk art and cultural differences, laws of different peoples and world peace.
Many of these items are rare even though reprints and government documents may possibley be available elsewhere. However, this collection is very useful and interesting for researchers working on issues related to Mandates.