Affichage de 444912 résultats

Description archivistique
339002 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Fonds · 1919-

Conventions, Ratifications and other Diplomatic Instruments (League of Nations); Bulky Enclosures (League of Nations); Printed Documents (League of Nations); Brochures and Pamphlets (League of Nations); Daily Synopsis of Official Correspondence (League of Nations); Woodrow Wilson Collection (League of Nations); Museum (League of Nations); Visual Material (League of Nations and UNOG); Sound Archives (League of Nations and UNOG); Audiovisual Archives (League of Nations and UNOG); Microforms (League of Nations and UNOG).

G.III · Sub-Fonds · 1943-1974
Fait partie de UNOG Registry First Period, 1946-1973

General and miscellaneous; financial rules and regulations; budgets; United Nations Bankers; allowances for the staff; salaries; gifts and legacy; Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions; Financial Division.